Trauma and Psychedelic Healing

About 12 years ago now, I trained as a psychic. (Yes! You can train as a psychic). After my training completed, I opened up a private practice offering people psychic readings. People would come to me with their struggles, problems and issues, and I would look at their energy and share what I saw with…

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Hello! It’s been awhile. In case you were wondering; I’m still alive! Things are good – my work is feeling nourishing and generative and I am enjoying life up here on the Olympic Peninsula with my beloved partner of 14 years, Nick and my 2 cats, Benji and Oskar. I wanted to let you know…

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Virgo Shadow Work

If you’re familiar with astrology, then you know what I mean when I say that I have a lot of virgo in my chart. If you aren’t familiar with astrology, then I’ll just tell you that virgo is one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. It speaks to a kind of energy that likes…

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When I moved into my new office (almost 8 months ago at the time of this writing), I noticed that my sessions seemed to improve. They went deeper somehow. At first I just thought it was a coincidence. I thought that perhaps my skills as a healer had improved around the time of the move.…

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Living From Your Deepest Truth

When I first started Mother Earth Medicine, I was at loss as to how to get clients, so I went to see one of my teachers for guidance. He closed his eyes and started reading my energy. About 5 seconds later, he opened his eyes. “Have you tried talking to people about what you do?”…

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Healing Happens

Being a healer is the easiest job in the world, but try telling that to my ego. Recently, I have been examining the nature of healing, since that seems to be what my life is about. Initially, it was just about healing myself. Recovering from a bruised and broken childhood, I was a very angry…

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Alder Medicine

Sometimes we take ordinary things for granted. I think there is something in our DNA, or maybe it’s our capitalist society, that makes us believe that if something is rare, then it must be more valuable. I think this belief can cause suffering. I know it definitely causes me to miss many of blessings that…

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I want to write about an herb that I am pretty much 100 percent sure you are familiar with. You might even have some growing your yard. If you don’t it’s likely that someone nearby you does. I love profiling plants that seem kind of ordinary to us, because it’s often these very plants that…

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In my early childhood I started receiving and unfortunately, believing, a message that told me that there were things that were fundamentally wrong with me. This is not because my parents were horrible people or something. My parents also got this messaging in their youth, and, unbeknownst to them, passed it on to me. I…

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When I was young, I was a world-class day dreamer. I would often be surprised in the middle of an elaborate fantasy to hear one of my parents yelling my name. Apparently they had been talking to me, but no one was home, so to speak. This was a rather brilliant survival strategy on my…

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